Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life's Simple Pleasures

The dirty word is dieting. That's how this all started and now that I'm way old and my metabolism is running slower than mollases in January, I'm sure the dirty word will follow me around forever. Fortunately, this blog is not going to be about dieting. It's going to be about rewarding one's self with life's simple pleasures. It's going to be about destressing; thus the title--The Decompression Chamber.

Busy. Stressed. Overworked. Underplayed. Exhausted. Discouraged. Depressed. Jaded. Disillusioned. Unhappy. This is the language of stress; the language of this fast food--microwave-rushed world.

This is the blog of happiness; of end of the day or end of the week bits of joy that you can bring into your life. One section of my blog is entitled Pour Moi. This means For Me in french of course. (now from here you must read in your best "outrageous French accent." Pour Moi means "for me" but the me in the equation is not me; the author of this blog, the Moi is you. You deserve to find time to be kind to yourself, even if it's just for 15 minutes at the end of each day. Or a few hours at the end of each week.

Here, in the decompression chamber, I hope to give you some ideas; ways to reward yourself, many of them free, and most of them very inexpensive. I hope to write out my thoughts every Sunday and possibly add links to support my thoughts throughout the week. This will give you an entire week to prepare for you Friday night adventure in simplicity, your Saturday morning indulgance, or your Sunday night-before-returning-to-frantic-rat-race-Monday treat.

So this is the I just have to choose which indulgence to write about first!! Happy reading everyone. I'll love to hear your comments, suggestions, and especially tales of experience when following my advise.

and... remember this blog is not about dieting. This is not--if you loose 3 pounds this week you get to indulge in something special. This is: You are special...just because you come visit the decompression chamber often, be kind to yourself and your list of words will include: happiness, life is good, relax, simplify, love, joy, pampered, luxuriated, encouraged, and invigorated.

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